
TRPC: An Introduction and Its Synergy with Leading UI Frameworks and Libraries

In recent years, the web development landscape has seen a plethora of tools, libraries, and frameworks, aiming to improve the efficiency, productivity, and capabilities of developers. One such emerging name in the web development community is tRPC. In this blog post, we will deep-dive into tRPC, its core benefits, and how it seamlessly integrates with major UI frameworks and libraries.

What is tRPC?

tRPC stands for "Type-Safe Remote Procedure Calls". At its core, tRPC is an end-to-end typesafe API layer made for modern applications. It's built on top of TypeScript, and it strives to marry the power of types to your backend and frontend, providing a seamless bridge between your server logic and UI.

Why tRPC?

  1. End-to-End Type Safety: With tRPC, you get type safety from the database to the frontend. This means that your frontend can automatically infer types from your backend without manual type definitions, reducing the risk of type errors.

  2. Reduction in Boilerplate: tRPC eliminates the need for manually writing API request and response interfaces, as well as API route handlers, as everything is generated from your TypeScript function signatures.

  3. Automatic API Validation: Given its typesafe nature, tRPC handles validation automatically. If the data doesn't match the expected type, the API request will fail, ensuring data integrity.

  4. Optimized Developer Experience: tRPC allows for a simplified API structure, better autocompletion, clear error messages, and more, all of which collectively enhance the developer experience.

Synergy with Leading UI Frameworks and Libraries:

  1. React:

    • Integrated Hooks: tRPC offers custom React hooks like useQuery, useMutation, etc., that integrate smoothly with React components.
    • Server Components: With React’s server components feature, tRPC can further provide an optimized data fetching strategy.
  2. Next.js:

    • Seamless Integration: tRPC integrates effortlessly with Next.js, reducing the need for an intermediary API layer.
    • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Support: tRPC supports SSR out of the box with Next.js, ensuring improved performance and SEO.
  3. Blitz.js:

    • Native Integration: Blitz.js, a framework built on top of Next.js, has native support for tRPC, making the API layer almost invisible.
    • Simple Data Fetching: Data fetching becomes straightforward with Blitz.js and tRPC, as they offer a seamless function-based approach.
  4. Vue & Svelte: While tRPC has been primarily revolving around React and the ecosystems around it, the principles are generic. It's possible to create bindings or integration points for Vue, Svelte, or other frontend libraries. Developers in these communities might have to wait for more mature support or use the more generic API methods provided by tRPC.

Benefits of Using tRPC with These UI Libraries:

  1. Unified Data Layer: By using tRPC with these UI libraries, developers can unify their data layer, reducing the cognitive overhead of handling data in multiple places.

  2. Faster Iteration: Given the reduced boilerplate and improved developer experience, teams can iterate faster on new features and changes.

  3. Improved Code Quality: Type safety inherently leads to better code quality, reducing the chances of runtime errors and making the codebase more maintainable.

  4. Optimized Performance: With integrated data fetching strategies and support for features like SSR, apps built with tRPC tend to be more performant.


tRPC is a powerful tool for modern web development, bringing end-to-end type safety and reducing boilerplate. When paired with leading UI frameworks and libraries like React, Next.js, and Blitz.js, it not only enhances the developer experience but also leads to more robust and performant applications.

If you're considering a new project or even refactoring an existing one, taking a closer look at tRPC and its integrations might offer you a streamlined development process and a sturdier application.